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Subject And Object Questions Arbeitsblätter: What You Need To Know

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Subject object questions
Subject object questions from


Are you struggling with subject and object questions in German? Do you find yourself confused by the different types of questions and their correct usage? You're not alone! In this article, we will explore the concept of subject and object questions and provide you with helpful Arbeitsblätter (worksheets) to improve your understanding and practice.

What are Subject and Object Questions?

In German, there are two types of questions: subject questions and object questions. Subject questions ask about the subject of a sentence, while object questions ask about the object. Subject questions usually begin with a question word such as wer (who) or was (what), while object questions begin with a verb.

Subject Questions

Subject questions are used to ask about the subject of a sentence. For example, "Wer hat das Buch gelesen?" (Who read the book?). The question word "Wer" is asking about the subject of the sentence, which is the person who read the book. Other common question words used in subject questions include "Was" (what), "Wie" (how), and "Warum" (why).

Object Questions

Object questions, on the other hand, ask about the object of a sentence. For example, "Was hast du gestern gekauft?" (What did you buy yesterday?). The question is asking about the object of the sentence, which is what the person bought yesterday. Other common question words used in object questions include "Wen" (whom), "Wem" (to whom), and "Wofür" (for what).

Arbeitsblätter for Practice

To improve your understanding and practice of subject and object questions, we have provided Arbeitsblätter for you to use. These worksheets will help you practice forming questions, identifying subjects and objects, and using the correct question words.

Arbeitsblatt 1: Subject Questions

This Arbeitsblatt focuses on subject questions. It provides examples of subject questions and asks you to identify the subject of the sentence. It also includes practice exercises where you must form subject questions using the correct question word.

Arbeitsblatt 2: Object Questions

This Arbeitsblatt focuses on object questions. It provides examples of object questions and asks you to identify the object of the sentence. It also includes practice exercises where you must form object questions using the correct question word.

Arbeitsblatt 3: Mixed Questions

This Arbeitsblatt provides mixed practice exercises where you must identify whether the question is a subject or object question and use the correct question word to form the question.


In conclusion, subject and object questions can be challenging for German learners, but with practice and the use of helpful Arbeitsblätter, you can improve your understanding and usage. Remember to focus on the question word and the subject or object of the sentence when forming your questions. Use the provided Arbeitsblätter to practice and improve your skills, and soon you will be confidently asking and answering subject and object questions in German.

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